Category: News & Events
Technology Microgrant from the Museums Association of Saskatchewan
Thanks to the Museums Association of Saskatchewan, with the funding coming from the Government of Saskatchewan, the museum received the Technology Microgrant. The grant was used to up grade our security in the museum and add security cameras to add additional protection to the employee’s and volunteers and to help with keeping the artifacts safe.…
‘Big Bert’ exhibit at the Great Sandhills Museum
Come and see Big Bert!! It ‘s here until the September long weekend. It’s the world’s most complete Terminonaris robusta crocodile skeleton. It was discovered right here in Saskatchewan, along the banks of the Carrot River in the Pasquia Hills.
Coming in 2013
Rural Municipality of Clinworth #230 100th Annversary, June 22 & 23, 2013. Grand opening of our 1920’s House to coincide with 100th Anniversay.
Tylosaurus exhibit at the Great Sandhills Museum
Come and see the “Hunter of the Prairie Sea” Tylosaurus exhibit on loan from the Royal Saskatchewan Museum. The exhibit is on now at the Great Sandhills Museum until mid October.